Xpore Unviels Latest Fabric Made from 100% Nylon Recycled Oxford Incorporating Oyster Shells Transformed Into Biomaterials in Performance Days

Xpore is proud to unveil our latest recycled fabric which made from 100% Nylon Recycled Oxford, which incorporates oyster shells transformed into biomaterials. This recycled fabric represents a major step forward in Xpore's commitment to sustainability, with a focus on full recycling and zero waste.
The recycling process of discarded oyster ropes used in Xpore's fabric is carried out using recycled material that is harmonious with the marine environment, minimizing the impact on delicate ecosystems. By transforming oyster shells into biomaterials, Xpore is not only reducing resource consumption, but also repurposing waste materials to create innovative and eco-friendly textiles.
Come and join us at Performance Days booth H05 to experience this eco-friendly solution for a more sustainable future.