ESG Sustainability Committee
The CEO chairs BenQ Materials' ESG Sustainability Committee. Five major functional teams are established according to the company's vision and goals. Senior supervisors above the rank of assistant vice president act as conveners of each group. These include the responsible units for R&D, manufacturing, factory affairs and environmental safety, procurement, human resources, finance and legal. This level of representation ensures that our sustainability plan can be effectively operationalized.
The Committee convenes four meetings annually to review the plan's progress, goal setting and the execution results of each project team. Aside from these regular committee reviews, the chairperson may also call meetings as required to discuss material issues. The administrative officer's team reports the implementation results of the sustainability plan and the short-, medium-, and long-term goals to the Board of Directors at least once a year.
In 2021, the ESG Sustainability Committee created the company's medium-and long-term climate change goals. Corporate resources have been mustered to bring together the company’s renewable energy plans, product development processes, and production efficiency improvements, among others. We expect to attain the goals of the RE100 global corporate renewable energy initiative and carbon neutrality by 2050.
In terms of corporate governance, the remuneration mechanism of our senior supervisors are to be integrated from 2022 onwards to be more aligned with the goals of corporate sustainability and the maintenance of long-term competitiveness.

The Committee convenes four meetings annually to review the plan's progress, goal setting and the execution results of each project team. Aside from these regular committee reviews, the chairperson may also call meetings as required to discuss material issues. The administrative officer's team reports the implementation results of the sustainability plan and the short-, medium-, and long-term goals to the Board of Directors at least once a year.
In 2021, the ESG Sustainability Committee created the company's medium-and long-term climate change goals. Corporate resources have been mustered to bring together the company’s renewable energy plans, product development processes, and production efficiency improvements, among others. We expect to attain the goals of the RE100 global corporate renewable energy initiative and carbon neutrality by 2050.
In terms of corporate governance, the remuneration mechanism of our senior supervisors are to be integrated from 2022 onwards to be more aligned with the goals of corporate sustainability and the maintenance of long-term competitiveness.